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  • Writer's pictureZo Ramey

Traditional vs Self Publishing

The Crossroads of Your Writing Journey


Introduction: The Big Decision

Standing at a crossroads is a place many writers and authors know all too well. In my hands, I hold my manuscript—a culmination of years of tears, pain, and unbridled passion. It feels like my baby. To the left, a path tread by literary giants, daunting and seemingly impregnable, almost requiring divine intervention to navigate. To the right, a seemingly gentler path, promising a smoother journey. Faced with these divergent paths, how does one decide? Do we opt for the road less travelled or gear up for the battle ahead? This is the conundrum of choosing between traditional and self-publishing—a choice that not only defines the trajectory of our book but its core identity.

I recently allowed my father, one of the smartest men I know, to read my book. I was hesitant because some parts were a little racy for a pastor, no matter how cool and down-to-earth he is... he's still my dad. After careful deliberation and an internal battle, I told myself, "You're his daughter, he knows you, and it's just a book", I sent him a copy of "614" and eagerly awaited his feedback. He has authored several books himself, so the pressure was on. I had edited it a million times, but it had not been professionally edited.

My phone rang one evening, understanding he lives on the East Coast and I live in California. I heard his voice say, "Baby, this book is good. It is very well-written and detailed. I am almost done with it." My soul smiled knowing how nervous I was waiting. I believed I had written a masterpiece, but to hear my FATHER, say that, meant the world to me. After he finished telling me how big of a deal I was, we started to discuss some minor grammatical edits I should update. As we went through this process, he said, "You know, you should prepare this for traditional publishing."

I would be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind, but of course, I asked myself, what traditional publisher would want my book. I'm no Zane, Stephen King, or James Patterson with a massive following. I am a nobody who just wrote a book, but at one point, they were nobody too, right? So I decided, I would hold off on self-publishing and at least give it a shot... I mean, if Dad says it's good enough, then it is good enough. Let's take a look at the differences between Traditional Publishing and Self-Publishing and see which would be the better path to take on my road to becoming a NY Times Best Seller.

Traditional Publishing: The Gatekeepers of Literature

The Allure of Legacy

When I think of traditional publishing, it is like being invited into an exclusive club, where seasoned professionals polish your manuscript. dress it in an eye-catching cover, and present it to the world. The prestige of being chosen by a reputable publisher can be viewed as a validation of your work's worth. This prestige places you among the literary elite, a nod that perhaps, you too, belong among the greats.

Securing a spot on these hallowed shelves is no small feat and often involves navigating a labyrinth of literary agents, enduring long waits, and facing daunting odds of acceptance. Understanding that once you have finished that decathlon, you may lose creative control over your work as your book's fate now rests in the hands of industry experts. This is the one thing about traditional publishing that scares me. It is just another book to them, but it is my baby, that I nurtured from the first letter I typed on the keyboard.

The release of your book is also up to the publisher as your book could potentially sit while they meticulously edit and strategically calculate the timings of a market-driven industry. It becomes a marathon, not a sprint.

Self-Publishing: The Reign of the Individual

Empowerment in Execution

Self-publishing empowers us as authors to maintain total control. Every decision, from the art gracing the cover to the nuances of character development, remains ours to command. It's a thrilling journey of discovery, where success relies solely on our dedication and ingenuity. With the power comes great responsibility and of course a greater expense. With self-publishing, we are required to invest the upfront investment in professional editing, design, and marketing. In traditional publishing, these tasks are normally handled by the publishers. I know I have been through several book cover designs and I am still not 100% happy with the design, but with traditional publishing, will I even have a say?

As the sole member of your team, you are responsible for marketing which demands creativity and perseverance. Though I can write, I can honestly admit, I am not a social media butterfly. Effect marketing and having a plan of action are important to attempt to achieve any success with the launch of your book. This digital age offers a plethora of tools that will allow us to carve out our niche and stay connected to our readers.

Hybrid Publishing

Hybrid publishing in an innovative for those like me who would love some elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing by offering a "middle ground" approach to getting the work published. It provides authors with more control over the publishing process while still benefiting from the expertise and services provided by the professionals. Both the publisher and author invest in the book's production and marketing. While authors may pay for services up front, hybrid publishers also invest resources, indicating a shared risk and commitment to the book's success.

Author's also receive higher royalties in a hybrid model compared to the traditional publishing. Instead of publisher's taking on most of the risks, the author now holds that financial risk allowing for more royalties. Author's maintain more creative control and may have more say in the final edit, cover design, and marketing strategy. This is an ideal model for those who want to maintain say and input in process. Research is crucial for those authors who want to go this route and you or an attorney must read the contract and understand the cost vs benefit. There are some hybrid publishers that are more reputable than others, so be careful.

Making Your Choice: A Reflection of Self

Consider your resources, both in time and finances. Are you prepared to invest in professional services required by self publishing, or would you prefer to navigate the traditional publishing route, accepting its timelines and relinquishing some control for the chance of broader distribution?

Listen to your heart and follow your gut! Speak to other authors who have walked these paths, gather their insights, and then listen to your heart. This process is an expression of your unique voice and vision.

Whether we choose the legacy-laden avenues of traditional publishing or the untamed frontiers of self-publishing, this journey is all about bringing our stories to life. Each path offers its lessons, challenges, and rewards. Let us embrace the journey because it is not about the destination but the stories we'll tell along the way.

No matter the path we take, we are stepping into the arena, daring to share our voices with the world and in itself is the victory!! Good luck everyone out there and I hope this Blog has made your choice a little easier. Remember, we got this and I will see you on the other side!

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