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  • Writer's pictureZo Ramey

Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter Review

A Novel by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson

This Christmas, I received a thoughtful gift—a book that, on the surface, may seem like a departure from my usual genre of choice, thrillers by authors such as James Patterson and Robert Dugoni. However, I've always had a soft spot for self-help, history, and business strategy books. Books by Eckhart Tolle, Robert Greene, Michelle Alexander, Tamika D. Mallory, Paola Coelho, Paul Amadeus Dienach, Ernest Cline, Zane, Joel Greenblatt, Gary John Bishop, and countless others outline my library or my audible playlist. As you can see, there is a little bit of everything.

What made this particular gift even more special was that it had been a topic of discussion during a previous conversation—while we were en route to a 50 Cent concert in the Bay Area. We discussed his personal affairs, acknowledging the fragile nature of his relationship with his older son. However, she told me that after reading the book, she came to understand and view the situation in a more compassionate light. Although these individuals are celebrities with their own private lives, we do find ourselves occasionally perusing the tabloid headlines, and at the end of the day, who are we to judge?

I was happy when I pulled the nicely crisp hardback from the bag, Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter by 50 Cent, an artist known for his social media presence and a reputation that might be described as tough or uncompromising. My admiration for 50 Cent dates back to the days of his iconic track "How to Rob," and his debut album, "Get Rich or Die Trying" still holds a prominent place in my Apple Music playlist and is arguably considered one of the greatest albums.

Over the years, I've followed his career trajectory, from music to television and have always admired his work ethic. Still, it wasn't until I delved into the pages of his book that I truly grasped the depth of his determination and relentless pursuit of excellence. It serves as a poignant reminder that we often underestimate the trials and tribulations individuals endure on their journeys to success. We only glimpse their lives once they've already achieved recognition, often making misguided assumptions about their paths.

Reading "Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter" not only provided me with valuable insights but also compelled me to confront my inner demons and take responsibility for the mistakes I've made along my own journey. This review is not just a review of 50 Cent's book but also an honest reflection on where I have faltered in life and what I can do differently moving forward.

Be Fearless - Confront Your Fears and Embrace Change

In "Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter," 50 Cent urges readers not to let fear hold them back. Often, fear can paralyze us and lead to complacency. The book emphasizes facing your fears head-on and dealing with them until they are resolved.

Before reading this book, I'd come to realize that my default approach tends to be non-confrontational. I would often find myself trying to defuse situations or shutting down rather than assertively addressing them. This tendency hindered my ability to assert myself and was rooted in my desire to please others and ensure their happiness. I'd already committed to making "No" a more regular part of my vocabulary, understanding that kindness could sometimes be mistaken for weakness. I learned that by making my expectations clear and speaking up when something didn't feel right, I could navigate these challenges better. Being fearless and understanding "what's the worst that can happen" helped me navigate this lesson.

Cultivate the Heart of a Hustler - Persevere in the Face of Obstacles

Being a hustler, as 50 Cent explains, isn't limited to illegal activities. It encompasses the relentless passion to move forward, even when odds seem stacked against you. When obstacles arise, it's essential not to falter but rather to adapt and develop new strategies. Life is like a constant game of chess, where each move determines the outcome. Staying several steps ahead is the key.

I resonated with this concept, as I've always been a hard worker. Even after long workdays, I would come home to work on my YouTube channel, write, blog, edit, and more. Continuously moving forward, even when it's challenging, is the essence of being a hustler. If you want something, you have to put in the effort.

Build a Strong Crew - Surround Yourself with Trustworthy Individuals

In "Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter," 50 Cent emphasizes the importance of establishing trust and discipline within your team. He sets clear rules and holds his team accountable. A single misstep could jeopardize everything they've worked hard to achieve.

I struggled with this concept personally, as I didn't have a team. It was always just me. While many people expressed belief in my efforts, it was a solo endeavor. In retrospect, I should have been more proactive in finding like-minded individuals who believed in the vision and could help make it a reality. However, I eventually found projects that I could successfully manage alone.

Know Your Value - Don't Settle for Less

50 Cent advises against rushing into deals simply because they appear attractive at first glance. Instead, he evaluates every opportunity based on its long-term potential. He prioritizes maximizing long-term gains over immediate gains, as demonstrated in the lucrative Vitamin Water deal.

This lesson hit home for me. Many times, we accept offers out of fear that another opportunity might not come along. We must stop underselling ourselves and understand our true worth.

Evolve or Die - Adapt to Changing Circumstances

Understanding when to pivot and explore new opportunities is essential for continued success. 50 Cent realized that, even though his core fans still loved him, it was time to move on from music and explore other avenues. He emphasizes that holding onto something until it withers away isn't productive.

I resonated with this lesson, as I recognized the need to pivot in my own career. When I was involved in music, I knew it was time to shift my focus towards writing and potentially television. I maintained a diverse skill set to ensure I had options. Planning for different scenarios may take time, but it's crucial for long-term success.

Shape Perception - Present Yourself Intentionally

In "Hustle Harder, Harder Smarter," 50 Cent highlights the significance of perception. What you share with the world, including your words, energy, and appearance, shapes how others perceive you. He stresses the importance of crafting a narrative that aligns with how you want to be seen.

This lesson is self-explanatory but crucial in today's world of social media. What you post and say online remains forever. It's your responsibility to present the image you want to convey to the public. I personally learned this over the years, realizing that I needed to change my online persona.

Don't be Afraid to Compete - Embrace Friendly Competition

50 Cent encourages friendly competition and asserts that it's okay to compete with others. He shares his own experience with meeting Oprah, where he told her, "If we can't be friends, then I'm comfortable being enemies." He wanted to be part of the conversation, whether as friends or rivals, and this mindset allowed him to enhance album sales during a friendly competition with Kanye West.

Learn from Your Losses - Find Lessons in Setbacks

In life, losses are inevitable, but it's crucial to find the lessons within them. Learning from your mistakes and setbacks can lead to future successes. Remember, you'll often lose more than you win, but those losses make the victories even more meaningful.

I can personally relate to this lesson, having faced numerous challenges and made mistakes along the way. Learning from those experiences is essential for growth.

Avoid the Entitlement Trap - Take Responsibility for Your Life

Finally, 50 Cent reminds us not to fall into the entitlement trap. No one is owed anything simply because they know you or have a history with you. Success is the result of your choices and actions, not entitlement. Taking responsibility for your life is the key to lasting success. Blaming others or circumstances can only hold you back. 50 Cent speaks on how he tried to set his son and his son's mother up for success, but neither wanted to work. They felt as though since he had it, they should just be giving. But when he decided to stand up and say no, he became the bad guy. All he wanted to provide his son the opportunity he didn't have and help him begin to build his empire, but he did not want that. Many would hope for an opportunity like that and it's unfortunate, but another life lesson that I can hope he will learn from.

This lesson resonates deeply, as I, like many others, had to overcome the notion that my past or upbringing defined my future. Taking full responsibility and creating a plan for my life has been transformative. Your life is your creation, and you have the power to shape it.

In the end, the book serves as a valuable guide for those looking to navigate the complexities of life, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. It's a reminder that success is a journey, often filled with challenges, but with the right mindset and determination, we can achieve our goals and aspirations. So, as we move forward into 2024, let's embrace these lessons from "Hustle Harder, Hustle Smarter" and continue to strive for excellence in our own unique paths.

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