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Behind Closed Doors - B.A. Paris

"The Perfect Marriage or the Perfect Lie?"

A Zo Ramey Review

Today, I’m excited to share my thoughts on "Behind Closed Doors", by B.A. Paris, a psychological thriller that had me glued to the pages from start to finish.

Book Overview:

"Behind Closed Doors" introduces us to Grace. As you can imagine from the title, the book starts off by displaying a happily married couple with the perfect home and a picture-perfect image to the outside world. The story alternates between the past and present, gradually revealing the terrifying truth behind Grace and Jack's seemingly perfect façade. I say gradually, but I was already hip to Jack by the second or third section. I did not trust him one iota!

First Impressions:

I initially planned to pace myself, reading a few chapters at a time, but that plan quickly flew out the window. The book's structure, alternating between past and present, creates a gripping narrative that makes it nearly impossible to put down. I read the entire book in just three nights, completely enthralled by the suspense and intrigue. I knew how it was going to end, but was still shocked by how it played out.

Plot Highlights:

Grace’s story begins in a park where she meets Jack, who charmingly dances with her sister, Millie, who has Down syndrome. This seemingly perfect moment sets the stage for what appears to be a fairy-tale romance. However, shortly after the exchange of vows (and I do mean shortly), the cracks in his armor started to show. We would have had to annul that marriage immediately. It would have beat the Kardashian marriage that lasted 72 hours, but unfortunately, Grace did not have chance from the beginning.

As the narrative unfolds, we see Jack’s true nature—a controlling and manipulative man who traps Grace in a nightmarish marriage. His meticulous planning and the façade he maintains for the outside world make it nearly impossible for Grace to escape or seek help. The suspense builds as we watch Grace’s struggle for freedom and Millie’s surprising role in the unfolding drama.

Character Analysis:

  • Grace: A compelling protagonist, Grace’s strength and resilience shine through despite her harrowing circumstances. Her love for Millie and determination to protect her sister add depth to her character and make her journey even more heart-wrenching.

  • Jack: A masterfully crafted antagonist, Jack’s sinister nature is both chilling and believable. His ability to maintain a charming exterior while being a monster behind closed doors adds a layer of psychological depth to the story.

  • Millie: The unsung hero of the story, Millie’s character brings hope and light amidst the darkness. Her intuition and bravery play a crucial role in the narrative, making her one of my favorite characters.

Discussion Questions -

Please note - I did not best not to post any spoilers, but this section might contain some:

B.A. Paris includes some thought-provoking questions at the end of the book, and here are a few that stood out to me:

  1. When did you first suspect something was off in Jack and Grace's marriage?

  • The incident with Millie on the steps was my first clue. Without giving too much away, he stated who he wanted to be in the wedding. I knew he was going to do something to change that, but I didn't think it would be the day of.

  1. Did Jack's early reveal lessen or heighten the suspense?

  • While his true nature was revealed abruptly, it heightened the suspense for me. Knowing what Grace was up against from early on made her plight even more intense.

  1. Why do none of Jack and Grace's friends and colleagues see anything wrong?

  • Jack’s manipulative charm fooled everyone. It takes one person to see through the façade, and Esther’s role in the story highlights the importance of being inquisitive and not taking things at face value.

  • I understand Grace's parents not having more concern due to the dynamic of the relationship, but I wonder why and how Grace's true friends did not probe more. I know life happens but this all happened pretty fast and it seems no one on her side was skeptical of this knight in shining armor who just showed up on his white horse. They should have been more skeptical than Ester. I can't imagine her close friends not having some type of relationship with Millie.

  1. Can someone hide their true self that well?

  • Absolutely. Many people hide aspects of themselves daily. Charismatic psychopaths like Ted Bundy are prime examples of how well someone can mask their true nature.

  1. Did Jack's backstory affect your feelings about him?

  • Not really. While his past explains his behavior, it doesn’t excuse it. We all face hardships, but we choose who we become. Jack chose to be a monster.

  1. What did you think of Millie’s role in the story?

  • Millie is the MVP. Her understanding and support for Grace were pivotal. Her bravery and insight added a crucial layer to the story. I love Millie!!

Final Thoughts:

"Behind Closed Doors" is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with suspense, fear, and a glimmer of hope. B.A. Paris has crafted a story that is both thrilling and thought-provoking, making it an easy must-read for fans of psychological thrillers.


If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts, listen to your friends, and always check on your loved ones. You never know what battles they might be fighting behind closed doors.

Grab a copy of "Behind Closed Doors" and prepare for a gripping, heart-pounding experience. Happy reading! 📖🔐

Reading Reign-bow Score: 4 out of 5 stars

Here is the link for "Behind Closed Doors" - B.A. Paris or search Amazon.

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