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  • Writer's pictureZo Ramey

An Author's Journey

Embarking on the journey of writing a novel can take many paths. For me, it began 12 years ago, a pivot from my dream of becoming a Grammy award-winning artist back to my roots. Writing had always been my passion, and my foray into music allowed me the freedom of creativity and wordplay. Through music, I learned to weave love, passion, and pain with my words and rhythm, discovering a powerful and mesmerizing tool.

Transitioning from musician to writer wasn't a prolonged process for me. I simply sat down and started writing, immersing myself in this new reality where I was the creator. The words flowed effortlessly, akin to a river's gentle current. No elaborate plans guided me—no note cards, whiteboards, or blank typewriter pages. I allowed myself to be fully immersed in the characters, and they, in turn, revealed their own stories. I was merely the vessel through which their narratives found expression.

Of course, writer's block was a guest that overstayed its welcome on numerous occasions. There were moments, even months or years, when my first novel, "614" sat frozen on the shelf, the last scene eternally imprinted in my mind. There was frustration and often disappointment as I wondered why or when I would get my head back in the game. It's important to remember that you can't rush the process.

Early in my writing journey, I stumbled upon advice about keeping a Writing Journal—an Excel document noting the date, time, and word count of each writing session. Though I didn't quite reach my word count goal, I celebrated completing the project. Looking back, "614" took me a total of only 30 days to write. I still utilize separate sheets in the same workbook to keep track of all my writing logs in one place. This simple practice brings me immense joy. It allows me to gauge my progress, see how much is left to write, and even observe the impact of deleting a section on my overall word count.

The most challenging part of being a writer is about discovering that sacred creative space; and about finding moments amid real-life chaos. It's about acknowledging the ebb and flow of creativity, navigating obstacles, and finding solace in the most unlikely places. It would feel like once I finally got into a groove, it would be time to stop for one reason or another. I see why those who have the means, lock themselves away in a private residence or cabin for a month or two. I wonder what amazing work I could create given that space and time.

As I reflect on my journey, I don't possess a magical orb or a foolproof formula for assembly line writing. Writing is a personal journey, unique to each writer. However, if there's one piece of advice from my years of writing and crafting mental masterpieces, it's this: "NEVER STOP WRITING!" Embrace the challenges, celebrate the small victories, and let your passion for storytelling guide you through the authentic, ever-evolving landscape of creativity.

Sending you a million words, on days you feel wordless.

Your Friend,

~ Zo Ramey

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